Lane Cove Labor Dogs Policy

Have you heard the rumours that Council will ban dogs from Blackman Park and Kingsford Smith Oval?


FACT CHECK: They’re just that - RUMOURS. There is no plan before council to remove dogs from any of our 19 off-leash dog areas.


In May, Lane Cove Labor raised a motion for additional community consultation, the creation of focus groups and oversight by an independent facilitator to resolve the conflict arising from competing uses for our shared spaces.


This was supported unanimously by all voting councillors.


How will we do this? We will honour the commitment we made in May’s council meeting:
- Community consultation between sporting groups, dog owners, the Dog Advisory Committee and Sport Advisory Committee
- Creation of focus groups
- Appointment an independent facilitator


While we will participate in the community-based facilitated focus group currently underway, Lane Cove Labor supports shared access to our sports grounds for all responsible dog owners; it is only fair to await the recommendations of this process before making any firm assurances. This aligns with our commitment for community-focused outcomes through proper processes.